“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Matthew 5:7
The one who is merciful knows that he needs mercy and in Christ he has received mercy. As the one who has received mercy, he extends mercy to others, treating them with kindness and tender compassion.
Pam Davis, scratchboard, 2024
Add Yours →Pam, you handled this challenge very well. Beautifully done!
What an interesting piece. I would love to hear more about it and its symbolism!
My favorite so far. Beautifully done.
This is beautiful! I love the way you’re able to capture textures and values with the scratch board, it really draws me in to the image. Really curious about the hands in the corner. Are they reaching for mercy?
Thank you for sharing.
Clever way to depict the 8 maids in such a small format. I like the splashing milk and the outstretched hands.