
Awhile I ago, I had the opportunity to visit Zion National Park in Utah. I was awed by the towering massive rocks and felt so small, almost hidden and protected under such a fortress. It reminded me that God is like that rock and of Psalm 48 where God affectionately refers to Jerusalem as Zion.

48 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
    in the city of our God!
His holy mountain, beautiful in elevation,
    is the joy of all the earth,
Mount Zion, in the far north,
    the city of the great King.
Within her citadels God
    has made himself known as a fortress.

12 Walk about Zion, go around her,
    number her towers,
13 consider well her ramparts,
    go through her citadels,
that you may tell the next generation
14     that this is God,
our God forever and ever.
    He will guide us forever.

Artist: Karina, watercolor, 2023


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Beautifully done! You’ve really captured the majesty. At the lower left I see smaller rocks, but my imagination can almost see feet—maybe the feet of God.

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